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Indoor and Outdoor Environment and educational resources.

The ELC has a wonderful open space classroom, with play areas, toilet facilities, and an outdoor nature-playground with a range of equipment and room for children to play and explore. Our purposefully designed and built centre features natural play areas that encourage children to investigate and explore as they commence their life learning journey.

Opportunities are provided for ELC students to be part of the SVCC community and use the school grounds: going on excursions to the oval & forest area, visits to the Library, Music room, as well as using other facilities and taking part in community events. All of them are exciting opportunities to involve the ELC students with our college. This will broaden their engagement with cultural, sporting and spiritual activities and provide a smooth transition into their first year of formal schooling.

ELC Garden and Nature Play.

Our large outdoor space certainly provides and engaging environment for children to be curious and use all their senses as they learn in specialised areas:

  • Sensory garden where children taste herbs and seasonal fruits and feel textures and smells, integrating them in their play.

  • Butterfly garden and creek, with native attracting-butterflies plants and all-year-round running water where children experiment nature elements as they wonder around and role-play

  • Large, covered sandpit for building projects

  • Mud kitchen where mess and learning meet. Learning interactions full of measuring, mixing, combining, dividing, cutting, dipping, chopping, adding, sprinkling, using nature elements.  

  • Stage, for those ones loving arts, dance, music and drama.

  • Thick vegetation with plenty of tree shading, native birds nesting and thousands of encounters with insects.

  • Spacious, covered veranda to offer children protection from extreme weather while using outdoors

  • Hammocks to relax and/or play

  • Ample paved area and grass hill perfect for energetic play. Our oval shaped path allows children to run and ride endless laps.