Juliana Hernandez.

ELC Director.             

My name is Juliana Hernandez Camargo and I am so pleased to be part of this fantastic community.

My teaching career starts in Colombia studying an Early Childhood Education Degree to then continue completing a Masters in Education and Social Development to then work in the Early Years sector as a Foundation Teacher in Colombia, then as a Kindy Teacher and Educational Leader at Community Childcare Centre here in Adelaide and now at SVCC ELC since its opening in 2017 as Director, Educational Leader and Teacher.


Being a teacher is my call from God and my passion thus working at the Early Learning Centre at Southern Vales Christian College is an opportunity to fully serve Him. Creating and setting a rich learning environment with appropriate pedagogical strategies and sharing God’s message, leading others in His direction and letting the Holy Spirit be the guest of honour are the main aims of my role as teacher. As Director and Educational Leader, I am in constant reflection, leading the team of teachers and educators, finding new ways to create a unique and flexible learning environment for every child and their family.


I am quite passionate about bringing into the ELC elements of social-cultural and cognitive approaches to Education, finding inspiration on well-known pedagogues, socio-cognitive psychologies and other specialists like Vygotsky, Jerome Bruner, Howard Gardner, and Loris Malaguzzi among others to thread the ELC’s philosophy, based on our environment and community unique characteristics. I believe that by playing, pretending, socialising, exploring, questioning, and enquiring about the things that surround children, they will be able to analyse, hypothesise, theorise and make sense of what they experience and therefore be ready not only for school but also to have a good and fair start in life.


I also love Spanish language and I enjoyed teaching it as I stay connected with where I came from and share a bit of South American diverse culture and language. I enjoy music, dancing, travelling, eating, laughing out loud, nature play and gardening, getting my hands dirty and experiencing and exploring alongside children which I bring to my everyday work at ELC.

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Ali Langmaid.

ELC Early Childhood Teacher.

My name is Ali Langmaid and I’m really excited to be teaching at the Southern Vales ELC. My teaching career has always been focused on the early years in both a Junior Primary and ELC setting.


I am extremely passionate about teaching in the Early Years as I believe it lays the foundation for the rest of a child’s life. Children are innate, strong and capable learners in their own right, and I really enjoy harnessing their natural curiosity and wonder to support them in their learning.


Drawing on pedagogies such as socio-cultural and socio-cognitive theories is something I enjoy doing and embedding wonder, curiosity, exploration and reflection in my teaching is very important to me. I believe that creating unique learning spaces that stem from a child’s interest, is the best way to support a child in their learning. Being a part of a child’s learning and partnering with families in doing so is something that I’m very enthusiastic about and I really enjoy relating, communicating and helping to meet every one of our family’s needs. Teaching, scaffolding and supporting individual children and their families to ensure their child’s learning needs are met in a wholistic way is something I enjoy outworking.


For the past few years, I have worked as a Kindergarten Teacher, Educational Leader and Assistant Director and have really enjoyed refining and developing my skills over the years.


I enjoy being creative through singing, dancing, cooking, nature-play outside and getting messy when exploring with the children, to create a joyful and fun-filled learning environment.

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Sharon Webb.

ELC & OSHC Educator.

My name is Sharon Webb. I am so blessed to be part of this educational family/community of people who love Jesus as I do and follow Him wholeheartedly. 

I started my Educator’s journey at SVCC OSHC Aldinga Campus and volunteering as well as working in Kindergartens, undertaking later a Diploma of School Age Education and Care and a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care to continue to respond to my call from God to work with children and be a “mother to many” as well as to best suit the needs of my role at SVCC OSHC.


I joined the SVCC ELC team as educator from the opening of the centre and since then I have been supporting SVCC ELC and OSHC services and I loved both roles, it has been a heavenly gift. On a daily base, I am able to support ELC children transitioning between the morning OSHC routines to their day at ELC and then warmly welcome them back into a relaxing afternoon after a busy day of play and learning. I also get to work alongside ELC teachers in the implementation of ELC preschool program and settling and caring routines in a casual base.

Every day is different, and I grow to really love the children I work with and especially enjoy watching them grow up and move through primary school years.

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Kayan Lam.

ELC Educator.        

It is my privilege to grow with children in God faith and discover the world through their eyes from a new perspective. I have a Certificate lll in Early Childhood Education and work at ELC as Educator. I enjoy coming everyday and support teachers inspiring learning and encouraging and promoting children's growth. I simply found myself loving interacting with children and listening to their voices to build a trusting relationship throughout their learning journey.

I am originally from Hong Kong, I enjoy sharing with children understanding about my home culture.  

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